A Creative Pause: Spring Chores, Cardiologic Issues, and the Quest for Company

Hello, dear readers!

It’s been a week since my last blog post, and I must admit, I haven’t even managed to work on any poetry during this time. That’s not to say that I’ve been devoid of creative thoughts or that I’ve completely abandoned my blog. In fact, I’ve thought about it several times, but when I sit down to write, I struggle to find a topic worth spending time on. Even my martial arts blog at https://fightspirit.weesefamily.ca has taken a back seat lately.

The reason behind this brief hiatus is that I’ve been swamped with spring chores. My “to-do” list has grown longer than I anticipated, and I now find myself struggling to keep my head above water. To add to the chaos, I’m still dealing with some undiagnosed cardiologic issues that have heightened my anxiety and potentially worsened my depression.

During times like these, when I need people to lend an ear, a hand, or just keep me company while I tackle my numerous projects, I find myself feeling isolated. I’m exhausted from always being the one to initiate contact with others. My desire to open up the cottage for the season has also been a source of frustration, as each weekend has been filled with more tasks that demand my attention. And now, when I finally have a long weekend and extra vacation days planned to unwind at the cottage, someone else requires my attention elsewhere. It’s not even summer, and I’m already feeling the cottage blues – that longing to relax by a campfire with my family.

Despite the challenges, I wanted to share this update with all of you. I promise that once my world slows down a bit, I’ll have more to share with you. For now, please bear with me as I navigate this busy and somewhat overwhelming period in my life. I truly appreciate your understanding and support.

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