The Cosmic Ballet of the Mind

In unseen realms, wisdom we twine,
Strangers in face, yet thoughts align.
Truth's veils lift, essence defined,
In unconscious depths, secrets unwind.

Whispers of all, their mysteries hold,
Unfolding notions, their stories told.
In ethereal depths, a universe bold,
Alive in dreams that our minds mould.

In dreams and desires, power unwinds,
Reality manifests, perception unbinds.
In the vast expanse, wisdom we find,
From the mind springs All, from All springs the mind.

Twisting and winding, thoughts intertwine,
Alive in the subconscious, the grand design.
Illusions brought forth in existence's brine,
Ideations unfold, realities align.

Thoughts take form in cosmic array,
The mind weaves worlds in a mystic ballet.
Truths and illusions in a thoughtful play,
From creation's womb, life finds its way.

In this grand ballet, no dance confined,
Endless tales painted, their hues refined.
From the boundless depth, power shines,
In the Mind lies All, from All the Mind shines.

© 2023 Jeffrey Weese

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