Torn apart from foot to heart. My mind in a battle I can't win.
To rise and fall, I've seen it all over and over again and again.

An endless cycle where shadows play and dance between the night and day.
No comfort found, an ongoing fight, the struggle between the dark and light.

Caught in a torrent, sinking below, as the gleaming light begins to slow.
Faceless faces taunt and stare, own eyes, they lift in fearing glare.

I felt it coming, that deepening pit, from within my core the darkness sits.
Watching and waiting for tilted thoughts, ensnaring and dragging my dream in knots.

How long will I sit in silence and tear, will this be the end; I have no fear.
I've been before, and pause and ponder; will this darkness that pulls me under?

How will it end, this blackened despair? Please show swift mercy, or a life to spare.
Yet in the depths, might a glimmer ignite, a hopeful shimmer piercing the night?

I've sat here before, my patience grows thin. Just break the dawn, or let me give in.
No clock, no sign, no calendar tells, just how long the darkness dwells.

If this mindless battle never rests, my soul may yield its final breath.
A spark? A flicker? Anything at all? Don't give in to the ending call.

Weap in silence, happiness, dismay, decay. Why must my heart feel this way.
Guilt? Regret? Am I too much? All these things are of no such.

I am who I am, and in the shadows I'll stay until the light pulls me out into day,
I hear the voices, "It's just him... just don't ask why." Who cares anyway? Who cares if I die?

...I care Daddy.

I welcome the darkness, I relish the war, I cherish the pain and the light nevermore.
I'll sit here forever with the faces and stare, into the deep with a raging glare.

No one will know the battles I've tried, the demons I've slain and how many times I've died.
I'll fight forever, for the light in the sky, those hearts that cause my heart to fly.

No matter shadows that stretch and yawn, I carry the promise: light will come.
So until that dawn, my battle rages on.

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