My Spiritual Awakening: A Journey Beyond the Organized Religion

After reviewing my previous blog entry about discovering your path, and the Magic of the Solitary Witch, I realized the importance of sharing my own spiritual journey of discovery…

From a young age, my life was deeply intertwined with the Anglican Church primarily, but other influences were present as well. Occasionally, my parents would send me to a Pentecostal Sunday school, seemingly more as a way to give themselves a break than anything else. As a parent myself, I now understand their perspective. I followed the teachings and rituals of both the Anglican and Pentecostal churches without question. However, as I grew older, I began to feel a sense of unease and disconnect from my religious upbringing. This is the story of my spiritual awakening journey, where I stepped beyond the confines of organized religion to explore new perspectives, ultimately discovering a profound connection with ancient wisdom and a deeper understanding of my place in the world.

Fear of God and Childhood Experiences

As a child, I was taught to fear God. I’m not quite sure if this stemmed from the Anglican or Pentecostal teachings, or perhaps from what my parents told me. Regardless, the idea that God was watching my every move, waiting to punish me for any wrongdoing, was deeply ingrained in my psyche. I was led to believe that if I didn’t abide by God’s way, a lightning bolt from heaven would come crashing down, and bad things would happen to me.

This fear manifested in the way I prayed. I would pray every evening, often making “deals” with God. I’m sure many people are familiar with this type of bargaining: “God, if you help me with XYZ, I promise I’ll go to church more often.” But when the help I prayed for didn’t materialize, I would think that God was angry with me. This cycle of fear and bargaining persisted throughout my childhood, shaping my relationship with spirituality and leaving me with a sense of guilt and unease.

The truth… Navigating Divine Fear and Personal Beliefs

Teaching the fear of God is not exclusive to Anglican or Protestant beliefs; it can be found in various religious traditions. While not always intentional teaching, it may be interpreted as such depending on the context and the way religious teachings are presented to followers.

In both Anglican and Protestant beliefs, the concept of fearing God often has different connotations. In some contexts, it can refer to a sense of awe and reverence for God’s power and majesty. This perspective emphasizes respect for God’s authority and the importance of following His commandments. In this sense, the fear of God is seen as a positive, guiding force that leads to a closer relationship with God.

However, in other contexts, the fear of God can take on a more negative meaning, with an emphasis on punishment for sins and the wrath of God. This interpretation can lead individuals to feel guilt, anxiety, or a constant need to appease God to avoid divine retribution. It is possible that your upbringing exposed you to this latter interpretation, contributing to the fear you experienced.

It’s essential to recognize that religious teachings and interpretations can vary widely, even within the same faith tradition. Individual experiences and the way religious messages are communicated can significantly impact how one perceives the concept of fearing God.

A Turning Point: The Conversation with the Culinary Teacher

It was during my mid-20s when I found myself in a profound conversation with a culinary teacher while on a long bus ride to a weekend event, which would ultimately change the course of my spiritual journey. We were discussing various philosophical and religious ideas, diving into the depths of our beliefs and attempting to make sense of the complexities of faith. Our conversation was open, honest, and filled with curiosity, allowing both of us to explore our thoughts and perspectives without fear of judgment.

During this exchange, my culinary teacher posed a question that would forever alter my understanding of God’s love. He asked, “Do you firmly believe that God, your God or any God, a God who we are told loves us, his children, more than anything in creation; would smite you down, would punish you with pain?” He continued passionately, “This is not my God because I deserve unconditional love. My God does not gaslight, my God does not bribe, my God does not blackmail. My God simply loves me regardless of what I do.”

This eye-opening statement resonated with me, challenging the fear-based beliefs I had held onto for so long. It made me question the idea of a punitive God and opened my heart to the possibility of a more loving, compassionate divine presence. From that day forward, I embarked on a journey to explore new perspectives and redefine my relationship with spirituality.

Exploring Other Religions and Beliefs

Years later, after undergoing a personal and physical awakening and making several health-related lifestyle changes. Little did I know that my spirituality would also be transformed. The conversation with my educator still echoed in my mind, prompting me to explore my spiritual understanding further. Intrigued by the teachings of mindfulness, compassion, and the search for inner peace, I found myself drawn to Buddhism. Delving deeper into its principles and practices, I broadened my spiritual horizons and started to question the beliefs I had once held as absolute truths.

As I studied Buddhism, I resonated with many of its ideals, particularly the belief that attachment is the root of all suffering – whether it’s attachment to objects, people, or ideas. I understood that clinging to these attachments could lead to anger, wars, and sadness, and that letting go could create a more harmonious existence.

However, I couldn’t entirely embrace certain aspects of Buddhist beliefs, especially the traditional understanding of reincarnation. While I firmly believed in the concept of rebirth, my perspective diverged from the conventional Buddhist view that our souls would be born again into another body upon death.

Instead, I saw reincarnation as a deeper, soulful process. I believed that our souls lived on in the minds and memories of those we had touched throughout our lives, and that we were continually reborn every day, every moment, as we made choices in response to the passage of time. I also felt that our souls continued to exist as long as someone remembered us, with our rebirth occurring each time our name was spoken or our teachings were recalled.

During this period of spiritual exploration, I experienced significant changes in my life. I stopped eating meat, not for health reasons, but because I wanted to take responsibility for the decision to take a life. I also started studying martial arts, which gave me a deeper understanding of anger and violence. Although I considered myself a pacifist, I found truth in the quote, “To consider yourself a pacifist, you must be capable of great violence; otherwise, you are simply harmless.” I embraced this idea and aimed to embody it.

As my beliefs evolved, so did my outlook on life. Perhaps it was because I was maturing, or maybe it was due to the shift in my spiritual beliefs. Regardless, I stopped letting things beyond my control bother me. I lived by the principles of “What’s done is done; learn from the experience and move on” and “Your control of the outside world ends where your fingertips end. If you want to make a change, you must change yourself and what you can control.”

Exploring Buddhism and other religions served as a catalyst for my spiritual growth, prompting me to reevaluate my beliefs and search for a more authentic connection to the divine.

A Unique Perspective on Reincarnation

Soulful Reincarnation: Living and Leaving Legacies

My belief in reincarnation is rooted in a deeper, soulful level. I see our soul as living in the minds and memories of those we have touched throughout our lives. This perspective on reincarnation has two aspects – it occurs during our lives and after death.

While we are alive, we are reincarnated every day, every moment. With each passing moment, we die and are born again. It is our choice whether to keep doing the same things or to pursue something new. Once our physical bodies perish, our souls continue to exist in the memories of those we have interacted with, helped, or hurt. We are reborn each time someone speaks our name or recalls something we taught them.

To me, the purpose of our existence is education – to learn, teach, grow, and pass on knowledge. Biologically speaking, we are here for evolution. Without evolution, we would not exist. This perspective leads me to explore ancient wisdom, such as the teachings of the Hermetic principles.

Hermetic Views on Life, Death, and Reincarnation

Hermeticism, an ancient philosophical and spiritual tradition, originated in Egypt and Greece and is often attributed to the teachings of the legendary figure Hermes Trismegistus. It encompasses various philosophical and spiritual principles, some of which can be found in the well-known Hermetic text, the ‘Corpus Hermeticum.’ While Hermeticism does not have a single, unified view on life, death, and reincarnation, there are some key concepts and ideas that can be explored.

The Principle of Mentalism

One of the key Hermetic principles is the Principle of Mentalism, which states that “The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.” This concept implies that everything in existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that our thoughts and beliefs have a direct impact on the reality we experience. From this perspective, life and death can be seen as transitions in the continuous flow of consciousness, rather than as finite, separate events.

Reincarnation and the Evolution of the Soul

Hermetic teachings suggest that the soul is immortal and undergoes a process of growth and evolution through successive incarnations. Reincarnation is seen as an opportunity for the soul to learn and develop by experiencing different situations and challenges in each lifetime. This process continues until the soul reaches a state of spiritual enlightenment and reunites with the divine source, often referred to as ‘The All’ or ‘The One.’

It is important to note that there is no single, dogmatic view on life, death, and reincarnation in Hermeticism. Instead, Hermetic teachings provide a framework for understanding the nature of existence and the role of the individual soul in the cosmic order. This rich and diverse tradition encourages seekers to explore these concepts and develop their own unique understanding of the mysteries of life and death.

Lets get back on track…

Education and Evolution

The journey of life, in my view, is a continuous process of learning, teaching, and growing. As individuals, we are constantly presented with opportunities to acquire new knowledge, share our experiences with others, and evolve as we face various challenges. The purpose of existence is to educate ourselves and those around us, as this process enables us to expand our understanding of the world and deepen our connections with one another.

In this context, education goes beyond formal schooling and encompasses all aspects of life. It includes learning from our experiences, embracing new perspectives, and refining our values and beliefs. It also involves teaching others, imparting wisdom and sharing the lessons we have learned. By engaging in this ongoing process of education, we contribute to the collective growth and development of humanity.

Evolution, the process by which species change and adapt over time, plays a vital role in our existence. It is through evolution that life on Earth has diversified, resulting in the incredible variety of species and ecosystems we observe today. As humans, we too are products of evolution, shaped by the forces of natural selection to adapt and survive in our ever-changing environment.

The principles of evolution are not limited to the biological realm but can also be applied to our mental, emotional, and spiritual growth. By embracing change and adaptation, we can continually improve and refine our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This ongoing process of evolution allows us to rise above the limitations of our past and forge new paths toward greater wisdom, compassion, and fulfillment.

By actively engaging in the process of learning, teaching, and growing, we are able to participate in the ongoing evolution of our species and contribute to the unfolding of the human story. Through this journey, we can discover a deeper sense of meaning and purpose, and ultimately, cultivate a more profound connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us.

Discovering Hermeticism and Ancient Wisdom

The ancient Egyptians were a civilization rich in knowledge, spirituality, and mysticism. They are credited with developing Hermetic principles, among their many contributions to human understanding. These principles, believed to have originated as far back as 14,000 years ago, form the foundation of Hermeticism, a philosophical, spiritual, and esoteric tradition that has withstood the test of time.

Hermetic principles encompass a variety of universal concepts, such as Vibration, Rhythm, Polarity, and Correspondence. These ideas provide a framework for understanding the interconnectedness of all things and the underlying patterns that govern the natural world. While these principles may have been conceived thousands of years ago, their relevance remains apparent in modern scientific discoveries and our understanding of the universe.

As I delved into the study of Hermeticism and the ancient wisdom it offered, I found myself resonating deeply with the timeless insights contained within the Hermetic principles. The understanding that everything in existence is interconnected and governed by common patterns struck a chord within me, as it aligned with my belief in the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of compassion and empathy.

Moreover, the Hermetic principles have proven to be astonishingly relevant to modern science and our current understanding of the world. For instance, the Principle of Vibration, which states that everything is in constant motion and vibrates at varying frequencies, is echoed in the discoveries of quantum physics and the behaviour of subatomic particles. Similarly, the Principle of Polarity, which emphasizes the existence of opposites and the balance they create, is apparent in the dual nature of light, displaying both wave-like and particle-like properties.

Discovering Hermeticism and the ancient wisdom it embodies has been a transformative experience for me. It has expanded my spiritual horizons and provided a deeper understanding of the world and my place within it. The timeless nature of these principles and their relevance to modern scientific knowledge attest to the profound insights of the ancient Egyptians and the enduring power of their wisdom.

Throughout my journey of exploration and self-discovery, I have come to identify as a Hermetic. This association has allowed me to embrace the ancient wisdom of the Hermetic principles and apply them to my own life, deepening my understanding of the world and my place within it. By adopting the teachings of Hermeticism, I have found a spiritual path that resonates with me on a profound level and fosters a sense of interconnectedness with all living beings.

My spiritual awakening journey began with a simple conversation that challenged my long-held beliefs and encouraged me to question the nature of God’s love. As I explored different religions and belief systems, delving into Buddhism and ultimately discovering the Hermetic principles, I gained invaluable insights into the nature of existence, the purpose of our lives, and the interconnectedness of all things.

This awakening has been a transformative experience, allowing me to reassess my beliefs, grow as an individual, and develop a deeper connection with the divine. As I continue to evolve on this spiritual path, I remain committed to learning, teaching, and expanding my understanding of the world and its mysteries.


My spiritual journey has taken me through many twists and turns, ultimately leading to the transformation of my beliefs and a newfound sense of purpose. From my early days in the Anglican and Pentecostal churches to my exploration of Buddhism and eventual discovery of Hermeticism, each step has brought me closer to a deeper understanding of the world and my place in it.

I encourage everyone to be open to exploring their spiritual paths and remaining receptive to new perspectives.. It is through this exploration and willingness to question our beliefs that we can truly grow and find a deeper connection with the divine. Embrace the journey, for it is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and spiritual awakening that will enrich your life and help you uncover the mysteries of the world around you.

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